| before | March 04, 2004 | after |


i cried so much that they finally gave me xanax to calm me down. when that didn't work, two hours later they gave me valium. when i was still crying late that night, they gave me something like thorazine and told me i would spend the next few days in the infirmary.

no one would tell her what was wrong with her. she would just lie in her bed, staring at pink walls, taking pink pills that the nurse in white would give her. between the green pills and the yellow ones. and all these blues.

actually, i was only in the infirmary overnight. it seemed like days, or ages, because i was doped and disoriented and didn't know where i was or what was happening most of the time, which i guess is the best thing when the alternative is hysteria. the pyschologist on duty came in to speak to me, some blood was taken from my arms, a thermometer was stuck in my mouth, and a couple of meals were dispensed, but otherwise my interaction with humans was minimal. at one point, kev came to visit and asked what they were doing for me, and all i could say was, "giving me pills and letting me sleep."

March 04, 2004 - 9:24 pm

