| before | January 09, 2007 | after |

[the sane vs. the insane]

the ultimate destruction.
obliteration of a memory.
it happens without warning, it happens at will. it happens when you don't want it to, it doesn't happen when you really try to.

in the complex web that is our memories what is the spider that weaves it. we feed it silk with our experiences but who or what (subconscious maybe?) decides to cut down the old webbing and re-spin?

could it be more simple. chemicals stored in the brain that are re-newed by "thinking." if you don't think about your memories then there chemical's half-life kicks in and they start to get fuzy.

lately i find myself torn between the simple and complex. science and magic.
faith and facts.

what does it matter though? we are in fact here (i think) and we should enjoy what we have left. still i get the urge to fight to restore things to the old ways and work with the planet instead of against it. why should i care. things are so fucked up now that i would never live to see that tree give its fruit.

so many questions and mysteries just with one's self how does anyone have any time for others?

the sane vs. the insane

January 09, 2007 - 11:20 pm

