| before | May 05, 2005 | after |


sometimes i think part of the problem relates to ethnicity. Jews do not have a concept of unconditional love. the God of the Old Testament is judgemental, jealous, and vengeful. He gets mad and He gets even. the notion of turning the other cheek, the idea that faith is more important than deeds, these are distinctly Christian concepts. some say that the difference between Catholic guilt and Jewish guilt is that the former emanates from the knowledge that we are all born already fallen, that there is nothing we can ever do to overcome the original sin; the latter springs from a sense that every one of us was created in God's image and has the potential for perfection. so Catholic guilt is about impossibility, while Jewish guilt is about an abundance of possibility.

i think of my own possibility. i think of the way it is wasted. the way it will always be wasted because i'm sitting here waiting for someone to love me as is.

May 05, 2005 - 5:39 am

