| before | December 10, 2002 | after |

[in your possession]

i don't understand
what it is
that you love about me
what you see in me
what amazes you
and what makes me so "beautiful"
in your eyes

i'm just me
just a girl
who sleeps alot
talks too much
but yet has nothing to say
and cries too much
doesn't know who she is
doesn't know who she wants to be
doesn't know why she's here
doesn't know if she wants to be

i'm just a girl
who all her life
would give anything
to have someone look at me
with longing in their eyes
and wanting in their heart

i'm just a girl
who tries to give her all
in hopes that maybe
just maybe
one day someone will give me
their all
their everything

i'm just a girl
who doesn't really care
if anyone else cares
as long as i do
that's all that matters

i'm just a girl
who hides alot
but if you look hard enough
you'll see i'm showing too much
letting you see everything
you have to want to look

i'm just a girl
that is more in love with you
than anything in this world
who wants to love you for always
and forever
to make you happy...
to be the reason a smile comes
across your beautiful face

i'm just a girl
who loves you
and that makes this girl
more than anything she's ever been
you make me more
than just a girl
simply because
i am your girl.

December 10, 2002 - 11:46 pm

