| before | November 28, 2002 | after |


[this was one of those silly e-mails i got from someone. was supposed to fill in the blanks and i did!]

i want: to sleep more hours each day
i regret: loving you
i wish: people called me more
i love: some hot soup now please
i hate: the one and a half hours journey to work everyday and back
i miss: your voice
i see: my little stuffed bear (sitting on my computer)
i hear: my winamp playlist, cars on the streets, someone yelling
i lost: my mind
i search: uh... google?
i wonder: if it will always be like this
i know: how to hide really well

when was the last time i...
smiled? this afternoon at the art gallery
danced? this morning... around my room to the super fun weezer mix
got hammered? halloweeny
kissed someone? a few weeks
hugged someone? too long
had a nightmare? after watching harry potter ii

last thing i read: today's papers
last movie i saw on the big screen: ghostship
last phone number i called: my cousin's
last show i watched on tv: i was watching cartoons this morning... it was a police show but all the police officers were kids. the chick's name was ingrid third
last song i heard: too much by dave matthews band
last thing i had to drink: water
last thing i ate: australian strawberries

do i...
smoke? all the time
sleep with stuffed animals? *sigh* yes
have a crush? that's silly
have a boyfriend? boys don't like me
have a dream that keeps coming back? no
remember your first love? yes
still love him? no
read the newspapers? yeah
have any gay or lesbian friends? yes
believe in miracles? why not?
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? why not?
consider yourself tolerant of others? not anymore
like the taste of alcohol? mmmmmmm...
have any piercings? two on each ear
have any tattoos? hell no
hate yourself? everyone hates themselves at one point or another... nothing wrong with that
have a best friend? one
have any bad habits? tons
care about looks? yes (at least i'm truthful)
trust others easily? not at all actually
like sarcasm? of course!
sing in the shower? yes... even here
have any scars? in my gums?

November 28, 2002 - 10:49 pm

